Port Townsend Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Something more! The Official Site of the Port Townsend Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Experience

What is the worship experience like at Port Townsend Adventist? What happens during the worship time?

  • Our services generally begin with a warm welcome and announcements to learn about upcoming events or opportunities to get involved with. We praise God through uplifting songs (both new ones and old ones).
  • If you play an instrument or enjoy singing, we'd love to have you share your talents with us. Time is made for those who desire to voice praises or prayer requests. A leader of the church will lift these requests up to God in prayer during the congregational prayer time as everyone who can kneels in reverence. 
  • Children help the deacons collect the tithes and offerings then get to enjoy a story time especially for kids just before the sermon. This gives the children a chance to get their wiggles out before the sermon. You will hear a teaching from the Bible with relevant application to daily life. Pastor Collette is with us the 2nd and 4th Saturdays each month. We invite guest speakers to share the word of God with us on weeks of her absence. The total worship service lasts about one hour to an hour and 20 minutes.


A characteristic of PT Seventh-day Adventist church is acceptance and love.


Seventh-day Adventists believe in the Bible only as our guide to faith.


You are required to bring only yourself, but it is nice to bring a (human) friend with you.


Children are always welcome in our services.


Come in what you feel most comfortable in for a visit with your friend, Jesus.

Singled Out?

We want all of our guests to feel welcome and included but not embarassed.